Christmas in a Nutshell


Another year over.  We did it.  And survived.

That Santa, he’s good, right?!


My regular readers will know, that this year I started working full time.  Full time.  Five days a week.  How was I ever going to be ready for the 25th December? But I did it.  I internet shopped, baby and won!

The Things got every thing they asked for.  Mr 29 was pleased with his gifts.  And I got the coach hand bag, I told you about here.


As a family, we baked, gathered with friends and watched Christmas movies.  ‘Elf’ remains the top favourite in this house- can you tell?

For now normality arrives.  For a few days at least, until the New Year.

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas, spending it with those you love with plenty of laughter and smiles.



Pictures via Pinterest